Sunday, February 24, 2013

BBQ in Austin: AFBA 2013 City Guide

This post has moved to the new Full and Content.

To get the 2013 Guide to In-Town Austin BBQ, go here.

To get the 2014 Guide to In-Town Austin BBQ, go here.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I had so much fun working on this and feel slightly lost now that it's finished.

  2. Holy cut of a Cow! This is so thorough I almost can't believe it...I think I see those unicorns jumping double rainbows.

    Your blog is perfectly titled...This review is FULL of CONTENT!

    Thanks for all the work putting together for us to enjoy - it's an ultimate BBQ resource.

    1. It was a good outlet for my OCD. ;-) Thanks for the feedback!

  3. This is super amazing and what a wonderful resource for Austin visitors and folks who live here too. Thank you for your time in creating this, Lisa.

  4. Wow - what a guide - I wish I still ate red meat :) Great job Lisa!

  5. Fantastic post! I went on part of the out of town tour with Maggie. Sounds like we need to plan an in town one next!!

    1. There are so many great places nearby... this project made me really want to go out to some of them again soon. I've got to re-regulate my system with some vegetables though first!

  6. Holy BBQ! Great job, I can't wait to dive into some of these spots.

  7. Love love love! I didn't even realize how much I had read until I saw the time. You had me totally engrossed. Yes, I live in Texas but I just thought bbq is bbq (gasp! did I just say that?). I love the breakdown into Texas trinity, sides, other stuff. My stomach is not that big (although I can enlarge it enormously if I wanted to) so I'd like to tackle primarily the Texas trinity. I'm sharing this with my husband as well as everyone I know. Perhaps I can entice some of my friends to come visit Austin ;). Thank you for such an informative post! Hail to the bbq queen!

  8. Thanks, you guys... I am really grateful for the feedback and happy to hear this is useful for others!

  9. Holy Q Lisa!

    You put alot of work into this BBQ guide, well done! I'm trying to eat less meat and this didn't help, I'm drooling on my keyboard needing a BBQ fix. Like now.

  10. Girl, this was one tough act to follow! I know it's going to be a popular resource for BBQ aficionados for years to come. Thank you for linking to my own guide for East of Austin, as well.

    Let's go have a salad, now.

    1. One month of eating mostly protein followed by two weeks of reintroducing vegetables into my diet = a VERY noticeable difference! BBQ is the food of Gods, who are not subject to the normal digestive issues we mere humans succumb to. But all hail the mighty Q!

      I do miss it though...

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. What about 'West of Austin'?

  13. Either way, this is one hell of an article! Thanks for your dedication to BBQ!!!

    1. Thanks, glad you liked it. The site has moved and an updated guide can be found here:

      As far as West of Austin, there are some great choices: Opie's in Spicewood and Cooper's in Llano would be good picks.
